I understand this conundrum of your last week well. It happens to me every week.

Ask any dancer about balance- yes. Decades ago, when I kept losing my balance and falling, my dance teacher told me to make the floor my partner. (It was modern dance, obviously). I’ve never forgotten that lesson. Make the floor your partner. Losing balance isn’t a failure, it’s an opportunity. The point is to keep moving ( even when the “movement “ is a pause) and to have fun. Even the things that trip us can be partners in the dance.

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OMG, yes to all this! I deal with it so often in my personal life. Like if I eat sugar, which I'm trying not to do, the whole day is shot and I might as well binge on sugar the rest of the day. It's so hard to beat that, seems like a feature of being human.

In my work life (I do clean-energy communications), it manifests so often in ways like "Let's fight this community solar bill because it isn't perfect community solar, even though it will result in more solar than we had before." Some of the activists, people we need really badly and who play a crucial role, are such purists that they can prevent good things from getting done. The affordable housing issue is a great example, as we're dealing with that now in probably all of our cities.

We all need to remind ourselves that things usually aren't black and white, and "embrace complexity and imperfection."

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