Apr 30, 2021Liked by Asha Sanaker

Lovely! This speaks to me exactly where I am right now! In my own work, I have adopted explicit consent to guide me in forming close relationships. It provides me the safety to be authentic, maintain boundaries and integrity. How wonderful it would be if it did expand to the entirety of the culture!

"We carry people’s potential and damage with us like treasure" - how poignantly beautiful and accurate. Compulsion and other non-consensual behaviors are not only obstacles, they can decimate the hard-fought work and obliterate the integrity of all involved. As I gather the broken pieces of my life (again), your words bolster me to show up, do the work and continue the Journey.

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Apr 30, 2021Liked by Asha Sanaker

Asha I'm going to read this one a couple of times over the weekend. There is a lot to dig into in this post. There many soul rippling moments in this piece but to pause too long in the first read would mean I wouldn't finish and to reach the end brings such completeness. It's like when you watch a movie that is so funny you have to watch it more than once because you laughed through some of the jokes.

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