3 hrs agoLiked by Asha Sanaker

Wow, Asha, how did we both manage to publish newsletters in the same afternoon examining the challenges of living a more curious, stranger life than the more obvious paths, specifically even around an adoption story? :o

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I've been head down for hours, but I saw yours come through. I can't wait to read it!

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6 hrs agoLiked by Asha Sanaker

We have some great forests up here in Québec—we could always be silent witchy roommates… You touched on so much in this that’s been roiling around in my head/heart, I think I’m going to have to come back for another read this afternoon. Thank you, Wonder One!

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I would love to be silent witchy roommates with you! <3 Though I don't think Canada wants me, either. LOL

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Life is ALWAYS both/and !! So weird how many folks think in terms of either/or and yet, when questioned, realize their reality is always both/and. (Oh, your husband is pissing the shit out of you? You're angry? Does that mean you've stopped loving him? No? see, that's both/and! not either / or) When we allow ourselves to recognize and embrace and/or, our lives become much richer. Possibilities are greater.

Ah, Baba Yaga!!!! She is fabulous!! "when I am an old woman, I shall wear purple" times 1,000! She completely does her own thing. And that, I think, is where she becomes scary in some tales - and in our culture. Old women who finally say "enough" are very scary to the norm. How fabulous to jointhe ranks of Baba Yaga! I'm not there yet, but I'm working on it!

Blessings to you, Asha.

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