love this, thank you Asha for the reminder speaking only for myself, i believe it is because of the lack recognizing or understanding the interdependence of everything on this planet that we have found ourselves where we currently are.

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I really enjoyed this, though it reminds me that, as I am British, I'm still waiting for "independence from the British monarchy." One day, it will surely come.

'What is the opposite of monarchy?' is a powerful question in the context in which you use it. Funnily enough, I read the other day this phrase from Hazlitt: "I knew all along there was but one alternative—the cause of kings or of mankind." The use of "mankind" grates with us now, of course, but otherwise, his sentence seems to point the way towards your question.

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Jul 5Liked by Asha Sanaker

Thank you for this. I just love it, and it echoes where my energy and attention are shifting. Today looking forward to caring for our plants (in the first day of a northwest heat wave), planning and preparing healthy meals, and reading good words.

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Jul 18Liked by Asha Sanaker

Great piece, Asha. If only everyone could wake up and realize that interdependence is the way.

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Jul 5Liked by Asha Sanaker

Best explanation of interdependence ever! Thank you Asha !So True.

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Jul 5Liked by Asha Sanaker

Thank you! So beautifully said.

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