i can think of a person or two who might appreciate this newsletter on many levels, beginning with myself…not that i was ever a 🚁 mother, far from it, still recognizing that pausing is most often the best place to begin to parent doesn’t mean that it’s the place where i always begin

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Apr 17Liked by Asha Sanaker

Asha- This is such an insightful article. I particularly love the quote: "You can't run alongside your grown children with sunscreen and chapstick on their hero's journey." So true, and so easy to forget. I was just talking about this with someone else who talked about how growing up in the 70s felt like their parents were 'trying to kill' them (aka, they just weren't paying any attention). :) I wonder when the shift may happened when parenting went from a 'long-leash' to borderline 'helicoptering'?

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When my daughter went to first grade, she had to make a family tree on poster board. I provided her with the names, but let her do the art part of the project. When I arrived at back-to-school night, I saw that my daughter's project looked like a first-grader did it, while the others looked like a professionals did it. At first I thought did I miss something here? This happened continuously throughout my children's education. I'm not sure when parents became so hyper-involved, but it takes away children's self-esteem to defer to the parent's desire for perfection.

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Yes, yes, and yes.

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Apr 12Liked by Asha Sanaker

"Some kind of help is the kind of help that helping's all about. Some kind of help is the kind of help we all can do without". Not exactly what they were singing about on the Free To Be You and Me album, but it's a nice rhyme.

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